Wednesday, November 21, 2007

7 Deadly Sins....Is Pride a Sin?

Is Pride a Sin?

I was watching TV the other and this show came on where they were interviewing people and asking them if they thought Pride was a Sin. It was very interesting to see how many people said no. This racked my brain a bit and had to blog about it.

Actually, there is no Biblical list of seven deadly sins, for God has made it abundantly clear throughout scripture that all and any sins (transgressions of God's Law) are deadly and will result in our damnation.

Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

James 2:10
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

The 7 Deadly Sins are:
1. Pride
2. Avarice (Greed)
3. Envy
4. Wrath
5. Lust
6. Gluttony
7. Sloth

The characteristics that are considered to be the seven deadly sins can be described this way: Pride is the exaggerated opinion of one’s worth in comparison to God and others and a willful oblivion to one’s flaws. Envy is the unhealthy longing for the possessions, abilities, or status of another. Gluttony is excessive indulgence in the pleasures of food and drink. Lust is extreme desire for sexual and sensual gratification. Anger is manifested by fits of wrath and rage due to intolerance of others. Greed is an insatiable desire to acquire material goods. Sloth is an almost pathological laziness which hinders productivity and good health. Anyone possessing some of these vices was considered evil; anyone who possessed all of them was utterly doomed.

PRIDE: This is the unwillingness to look at one's faults honestly, or of esteeming ourselves greatly based on an excessive consciousness of abilities or worth. This is vanity, and is often euphemistically called, 'self respect.'

Seeing ourselves as we are and not comparing ourselves to others is humility. Pride and vanity are competitive. If someone else's pride really bothers you, you have a lot of pride.

What makes any sin deadly?
The Seven Deadly Sins as set forth in literature -- pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth -- are by no means an exhaustive list of sins. We have already established that all unrighteousness is sin, but the book of Proverbs also lists seven things that God hates: “There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers” (Proverbs 6:16-19) Yes, God has indicated that these are things that he despises and that every wrong is sin -- but He has also provided a remedy: “‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18). God has promised to make us pure and white and whole; this cleansing and purification was provided through, His Son, Jesus Christ. There was no contribution from man. “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). All we need to do is believe that Christ died for us and accept Him as Savior and Lord. If God has provided a remedy for sin, how can it be deadly? The deadliness of sin was erased through the death of Christ and the shedding of His blood. God loves us so much that He sent His Son to earth for the express purpose of accomplishing this. However, if we do not believe and accept what God has offered, than any sin we commit will be deadly. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son” (John 3:16-18).

After reading this blog on the topic of "Is Pride a Sin", I ask you this question:

Is "Pride" a Sin?

Monday, November 19, 2007

What I can accomplish with "NO" sleep!

It amazes me with the little sleep I get what I can get accomplished. I didn't go to sleep till 6am this morning and woke up at 11:15am, so that's 5 hours of sleep. You all who know me, know that I don't function normally with that little of sleep. But, for some weird reason I get shit done. I just feel like there is too much to do and it's wasting time if I sleep! Go figure huh? So, I went to the bank and was done before noon. Then got lunch, came home ate, then made some phone calls and checked my email and drove into the City of Fairfax to take my car in for an estimate. What a bitch that was in finding the damn AutoBody Shop! Not my speciality! Got my estimate, scheduled my car to be fixed Monday, November 26th and I'm so proud of myself. Then I went to the grocery store to buy what I needed to cook dinner and now I'm home. I arranged a phone interview for tomorrow @ 1pm and I just feel like I accomplished a lot with very little sleep. Go me! Wish I could do this everyday!!! Now im tired and it's naptime and I deserve it!:)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

To Sleep or Not to Sleep!!!




These sweet puppies are a perfect example of what I would love to be doing on a regular basis! What is sleep anymore? I have problems sleeping at night and it's starting to royally piss me off because I feel like shit all the time...just completley worn down! Here's how my past couple of days have gone...goes like this:

Thursday night: Up till 7:30am...slept from 7:30-2pm on Friday

Friday night: went to bed at 4am and slept till 9am Saturday then fell back asleep at 10:30-3:30

Saturday night: went to bed at 12:30am...woke up at 2:30 awake till 4am...took meds and was out till 2pm Sunday

Sunday tossed and turned all morning till I woke up at 2pm....went to bed at 12am...layed there for 2 1/2 hours then said forget it and got up

So, sounds like fun huh? Well, this may sound crazy(everyone that knows me knows that I "LOVE" to sleep so you won't understand what I'm about to say)but I have major sleep anxiety meaning I have anxiety at night about going to sleep. I love to putz around at night in my apartment and do a million things at TV, play on my computer, text, talk on the phone, clean, you name it and I will do it. I hate having to lay there and not be able to do anything except turn my brain off and go to sleep. It's doesn't work for me that easy. I hate to dream because I fear the nightmares that I have on a consistent basis due to the trauma I experienced as a kid. So I try to avoid at all costs GOING TO SLEEP AT NIGHT! Once the morning time hits and I'm beyond exhausted, I can't wait to go to sleep. But once I am alseep, I don't want to wake up. I've been to the Doctor and he prescribed me an anti-depressant that helps people sleep who have sleep disorders and it does work I just sleep all day and night and I have a hard time waking up. I don't feel groggy just very lazy and low energy. So I avoid taking it and that's why I'm up all night!:( I'm sitting here on the couch writing this blog while watching "The Cell" on USA eating cheetos and a engery Vitamin Water which im addicted to! I love staying up and doing things and just hate the thought of having to be still till I fall asleep. My heart just races and races and I start breathing heavy, then I start to freak out because I fear that I won't be able to control the anxiety and won't be able to breath so I just GET UP and stay awake till I'm dead tired and pass out! I could have only have had 3 hours of sleep the night before and I still won't go to sleep cuz I hate it so much! Is this weird or what?

I want to be able to just pass out at night before I can even begin to think about thoughts keep me up at night! I'm at my wits end with the lack of sleep so I've decided it's time for a med-check with my psychiatrist to figure out what I can do to improve my sleep habits! I pray there is something that will help me. I just feel gross and I'm tired of it! I'm done!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

***Leu-Leu the Sheriff***

Leu-Leu the Sheriff?

What the heck is this all about? See this is why I joined this dang blog site so I could write down all my WaCkY and CrAzY thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis! I don't know where these thoughts come from or why, but they are there and I can't keep ignoring them anymore. But where on earth does Sheriff fit in to my life when I haven't spoken a word of it to anybody except my best friend. This is came about last year in Nov'06 when I was a juror on a gang murder trial. I was unhappy with where I was in my life and wanted to find something that peeked my interest. Being constantly surrounded by Sheriff Officers and instantly became interested! I have always been interested in Law Enforcement in some way from watching all the shows you could possibly think of, 48 hours being my favorite show, to a huge facsination with the FBI, CIA etc. I don't know what it is that peeks my interest but it does and it wracks my brain every night and I can't sleep! I have met numerous Law Enforcement individuals from my days of my flying career and always are so interested in what they are doing and why. I'm a very nosey person and love to know people's business. A dream of mine is to be a Secret Service Agent and work under the President in the White House. That is why I have such a huge fascination with the DC area because it's LAW, and Government CENTRAL! I absolutely love it! My flying days are over and I have known this for a long time! Is this Sheriff interest an acheivable thing for me? Can I do it physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Gosh, the more I write and think about this the more I desire it! Here's how I feel about it: If I don't like it, then I am not stuck with it. It would give me the experience that I need to one day to be a homicide detective or to be an FBI or CIA, or Secret Service Agent. Some of you may think I'm just crazy and that's ok! But, I'm a "FULL-ON ADULT" and I can make my own decisions. I just want the support from my friends and family. So, after many months of thinking about this and processing this all in my head, I have decided to just go for it.

I applied tonight for the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department as a deputy officer. The training is here in Virginia so I wouldn't have to go anywhere. Training is from Tuesday-Friday's for 10 hours a day so I could work the weekends. This is a long process so it's gonna be a time that I will have to practice much patience! Haha yeah right! Lauren practice patience....that's funny! So, what ya think? Do I sound crazy or do I make sense?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Abdominal Pains and Moodiness!


What the heck do abdominal pains and moodiness have to do with each other? Absolutely NOTHING! Two different stories, one is about me, the other about people who drive me insane with their moodiness.

Abdominal Pains are my everyday life these days! It's really starting to annoy the crap out of me. I was sick the whole month of September in and out of Urgent Care hooked up to IV'S, then got a little better for about two weeks, then it all started up again this past weekend. Ugh...will I ever get a break? I'm under some stress right now, and when I'm stressed, my body reacts. So you could say that my IBS is at it's worst! I don't eat anything all day, then get super starving around 5pm, then eat about two bites, feel nauseous and then can't eat anymore. Then I snack a little later on in the evening to then feel nauseous the rest of the night!:( I'm so sick and tired of feeling like this. I take medication daily but nothing seems to take it away. I wish that for one day I could feel "NORMAL" whatever that means! If anyone has any tips, or ways to help my IBS, I would love your comments! I'm miserable and I'm tired of feeling sick!

Now to the moodiness! Why is is when I'm happy, others around me aren't and are effected by my happiness? I won't name names, but someone very close to me always seems to be in a "mood" and it's driving me crazy! I struggle with being "happy" and want to be surrounded by others who are happy. But when someone is down, it brings me down. I understand that once in awhile people aren't going to be in the best of moods. But when it's a constant thing it's gets really annoying to where I dont' want to be around them. I try so hard to make everybody else happy that it leads to me feeling "unhappy!" The fact that this individual has nothing to be moody about it what gets to me! I have tried so hard over the years to overcome my depression and I'm not about to let someone's moodiness bring me down! No freaking way! I'm happy inspite of my tough times!