Sunday, November 18, 2007

To Sleep or Not to Sleep!!!




These sweet puppies are a perfect example of what I would love to be doing on a regular basis! What is sleep anymore? I have problems sleeping at night and it's starting to royally piss me off because I feel like shit all the time...just completley worn down! Here's how my past couple of days have gone...goes like this:

Thursday night: Up till 7:30am...slept from 7:30-2pm on Friday

Friday night: went to bed at 4am and slept till 9am Saturday then fell back asleep at 10:30-3:30

Saturday night: went to bed at 12:30am...woke up at 2:30 awake till 4am...took meds and was out till 2pm Sunday

Sunday tossed and turned all morning till I woke up at 2pm....went to bed at 12am...layed there for 2 1/2 hours then said forget it and got up

So, sounds like fun huh? Well, this may sound crazy(everyone that knows me knows that I "LOVE" to sleep so you won't understand what I'm about to say)but I have major sleep anxiety meaning I have anxiety at night about going to sleep. I love to putz around at night in my apartment and do a million things at TV, play on my computer, text, talk on the phone, clean, you name it and I will do it. I hate having to lay there and not be able to do anything except turn my brain off and go to sleep. It's doesn't work for me that easy. I hate to dream because I fear the nightmares that I have on a consistent basis due to the trauma I experienced as a kid. So I try to avoid at all costs GOING TO SLEEP AT NIGHT! Once the morning time hits and I'm beyond exhausted, I can't wait to go to sleep. But once I am alseep, I don't want to wake up. I've been to the Doctor and he prescribed me an anti-depressant that helps people sleep who have sleep disorders and it does work I just sleep all day and night and I have a hard time waking up. I don't feel groggy just very lazy and low energy. So I avoid taking it and that's why I'm up all night!:( I'm sitting here on the couch writing this blog while watching "The Cell" on USA eating cheetos and a engery Vitamin Water which im addicted to! I love staying up and doing things and just hate the thought of having to be still till I fall asleep. My heart just races and races and I start breathing heavy, then I start to freak out because I fear that I won't be able to control the anxiety and won't be able to breath so I just GET UP and stay awake till I'm dead tired and pass out! I could have only have had 3 hours of sleep the night before and I still won't go to sleep cuz I hate it so much! Is this weird or what?

I want to be able to just pass out at night before I can even begin to think about thoughts keep me up at night! I'm at my wits end with the lack of sleep so I've decided it's time for a med-check with my psychiatrist to figure out what I can do to improve my sleep habits! I pray there is something that will help me. I just feel gross and I'm tired of it! I'm done!


Unknown said...

How's your diet? Food has a big role in your bodies actions. Maybe you need softer sheets?

You are too stressed out and your whacky life changes probably dont help.

When I cant go to sleep I make myself stop breathing for 30 seconds at a time or so and for some reason it works for me.

Wheres your boyfriend? Why cant he put you to sleep?

Elissa said...

My doctor gave me Seraquel to quiet my brian at night when I was struggling...I wonder if something like that would help. Oh and I like what Kris said...why can't your boyfriend put you to sleep??? Ha, ha!

Lauren said...

He can but I resist going to sleep that's what I don't get! So i've been told I have to take my meds tonight and I am going to see a therapist to talk this shit out of my brain! Geez, I'm so sleep deprived!:( At least im still "HAPPY" right! Thanks for your nice comments!