Thursday, November 15, 2007

***Leu-Leu the Sheriff***

Leu-Leu the Sheriff?

What the heck is this all about? See this is why I joined this dang blog site so I could write down all my WaCkY and CrAzY thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis! I don't know where these thoughts come from or why, but they are there and I can't keep ignoring them anymore. But where on earth does Sheriff fit in to my life when I haven't spoken a word of it to anybody except my best friend. This is came about last year in Nov'06 when I was a juror on a gang murder trial. I was unhappy with where I was in my life and wanted to find something that peeked my interest. Being constantly surrounded by Sheriff Officers and instantly became interested! I have always been interested in Law Enforcement in some way from watching all the shows you could possibly think of, 48 hours being my favorite show, to a huge facsination with the FBI, CIA etc. I don't know what it is that peeks my interest but it does and it wracks my brain every night and I can't sleep! I have met numerous Law Enforcement individuals from my days of my flying career and always are so interested in what they are doing and why. I'm a very nosey person and love to know people's business. A dream of mine is to be a Secret Service Agent and work under the President in the White House. That is why I have such a huge fascination with the DC area because it's LAW, and Government CENTRAL! I absolutely love it! My flying days are over and I have known this for a long time! Is this Sheriff interest an acheivable thing for me? Can I do it physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Gosh, the more I write and think about this the more I desire it! Here's how I feel about it: If I don't like it, then I am not stuck with it. It would give me the experience that I need to one day to be a homicide detective or to be an FBI or CIA, or Secret Service Agent. Some of you may think I'm just crazy and that's ok! But, I'm a "FULL-ON ADULT" and I can make my own decisions. I just want the support from my friends and family. So, after many months of thinking about this and processing this all in my head, I have decided to just go for it.

I applied tonight for the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department as a deputy officer. The training is here in Virginia so I wouldn't have to go anywhere. Training is from Tuesday-Friday's for 10 hours a day so I could work the weekends. This is a long process so it's gonna be a time that I will have to practice much patience! Haha yeah right! Lauren practice patience....that's funny! So, what ya think? Do I sound crazy or do I make sense?


Unknown said...

Gonna make everybody close to you worried...ALOT. Dangerous job Leu Leu.

Good luck though!


Lauren said...

Im confused! So I'm not's something I have wanted to do for a an agent of some sort so we'll say. People will worry but I've got to do what I think is best! Thanks for all your comments!:)